
Available Positions

We are always looking for motivated students and post-doctoral fellows who have passion for chemistry. If you are interested in bioorganic chemistry, host-guest chemistry and would like to contribute towards solving important problems affecting human health, this could be the right place for you. We work on the synthesis, and elucidation of biological functions of carbohydrates, peptides and lipids. The results could contribute to the development of therapeutics and vaccines to treat / prevent diseases. For general requirements, please contact Dr. Ling.

Undergraduate Level

Chem 402/502 student positions.

Graduate Level (MSc, PhD)

Accepting applications for 2017; However, only applicants with a GPA >3.5 (out of 4) will be considered. Preference is given to students with research experience and interested in obtaining a PhD degree. In addition, candidates are strongly encouraged to apply for major scholarship support.

Please note: Due to the high volume of requests, not all inquiries will be responded to.

Post-Doctoral Level

We have positions open from time to time. If you are fresh PhD, and have demonstrated strong publication records, please contact Dr. Ling.

Please note: Due to the high volume of requests, not all inquiries will be responded to.